The safety of our intelligence

Over the past several decades, it's become apparent that the safety of our consciousness as a human species is at risk. It comes with the "McDonaldization" theory.  Within this theory, sociologist George Ritzer claims to be the loss of traditional values and the growing of analysis efficiency and social control.

This theory basically uses a fast-paced, predictable system such as fast food to describe the process of generalization in society to fast food chains.

We're given a social security number at birth, a variety of student numbers throughout school, bank account numbers, employee numbers, etc. I understand the structure of this approach to society. Organized. But what if we have our own idea on how life should be, our opinion is not well-respected in the fast paced media world we are being fed on a daily basis. We are slowly bring trained to drop emotional and creative opinion. We are molded to think and feel how they want us to.

Where did we lose the ability to be considered individualistic, unique human beings rather than just a number in a vast system?

The most frustrating part of the matter is that we are OKAY with this. We are choosing to sit down quietly and be dehumanized.

Our importance can be brought to life with a controlling concept, to dominate how we want others to understand us as individuals. If we have a revolutionary idea, get your message to your audience - the public.

There is nothing more important than your own voice. Even if you feel no one will hear, it is always better than remaining silent and discontent.


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