Successful people eliminate "I don't care" from their vocabulary

It is an exhausted phrase, "I don't care." We often use it to substitute a lack of knowledge or interest in a subject before us. What we don't realize is that we are shutting a window of learning and opportunity.

When you stop caring, you are completely eliminating the option to let new experiences in.

Caring is important.  

As human beings, caring is embedded in the core of our existence. No matter how big or small of an issue, we have the capability to care about incoming information, whether it stems from sympathetic foundation or simply just curiosity.

When you allow "I don't care" to be apart of your vocabulary, 
you are missing out on information & an excellent motivational tool.

How are you going to know what you are missing, if you shut down the information before it can be expanded upon? Imagine if all of the explorers, artists, scientists, athletes, journalists, etc. halted and did not wish to further pursue information. Where would we be today?

We are only a patchwork of our experiences, so it only makes sense that we try to move forward and keep our minds & hearts open to new experiences, ideas, emotions, stories and so much more. We can never have to much knowledge, and should never try to shut down an opportunity to gain more.


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