Are you getting what you deserve?

First and foremost, it is very important to know your personal value and do not let anyone abuse that. You are in control of your life!

With that being said, knowing what type of relationship you are apart of aids in establishing your future and your personal needs. Sometimes gaining an outside perspective can set you on the right track if you are not satisfied or even make your foundation stronger if you are a satisfied partner.
  1. Codependent

A codependent relationship is one that keeps life, because the individuals involved struggle to be fulfilled when they are apart from the other person.
  1. Independent

An independent relationship is one in which two partners have their own set of desires, goals and activities they are comfortable obtaining outside of their relationship.
  1. Controlling

A controlling relationship is very self-explanatory. A relationship in which one person always feel as though they have to have the upper hand. One part is not comfortable unless they are dominant and the other person acts in a submissive manner to them. It is a very unhealthy form of a relationship, and should immediately be exited if it reaches a verbally or physically abusive relationship. It is often a brewing grounds for hostility.
  1. Open

An open relationship in which the individuals are not mutually exclusive. They believe in carrying on a connection, while seeing other people in the process.
  1. Companionate

In a companionate relationship, the two members often have found a comforting level of friendship and trust in the other. They may not feel the “fireworks” that others may talk about, but they are receiving the right amount of comfort they need from the relationship and are content.
  1. Infatuation

Infatuation focuses on surface level attributes. They often do not know the depths of the other individual, but are gooey-eyed over what they think they know. Unfortunately, these relationships often do not pass the test of time – but they feel like love while they last.
  1. Empty Love

Empty love was at one time the opposite of that. This type of relationship was at one time fuzzy and warm. Once the couple reached a rut, they came to a standstill. They may eventually fall out of love, yet be too comfortable to end things or move forward.
  1. Sexual

A sexual relationship is viewed more primal than all other relationships. Both members are driven soley off of sexual needs and attractions. A downfall to this type of relationship is that certain needs are often not met.
  1. Traditional

A traditional relationship is often referred to as subserviant. This is one in which traditional gender norms are practiced. The man goes out an makes the living, while the woman stays home. This type of relationship often hinges off of the women pleasing their men and often they are to be seen, but not heard.
  1. Fling

Flings are often referred to as, “the relationship to pass the time.” They are fun, time-consuming and short-lived.
  1. Trophy

A trophy relationship is one in which beauty is at the core. The attraction is surface-level and the couple often feels like they need to be together based on societal/family pressures
  1. Arranged

An arranged relationship is one in which the parents pair together the couple based on cultural or religious standards. Although it does not always, it can often lead to unhappiness or abuse. Partners do not feel that they are granted free-will.


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